import random
def game(a , oppoints , mypoints,chances):
if chances == 0:
if mypoints == 10 :
print("you won")
if oppoints == 10:
print("your opponent won")
if a == 1:
getting_input = str(input("snake ,gun and water : "))
lst = ["Gun","snake","water"]
choice = random.choice(lst)
if getting_input == "snake" and choice == lst[0]:
print("Your Oponent got lead !!")
oppoints = oppoints + 1
print("Your Oponent point score is",oppoints)
chances = chances - 1
print("Your chances discremented by one , hence chances are",chances)
elif getting_input == "gun" and choice == lst[1]:
print("Your got the lead !!")
mypoints = mypoints + 1
print("Your score is",mypoints)
elif getting_input == "snake" and lst[2]:
print("You got the lead Again !! ")
mypoints = mypoints + 1
print("your score is" , mypoints)
elif getting_input == "water" and lst[1]:
print("Your opponent got the lead Again !! ")
oppoints = oppoints + 1
print("your opponent score is" , oppoints)
chances = chances - 1
print("Your chances discremented by one, hence your chances are" , chances)
elif getting_input == "water" and lst[0]:
print("You got the lead Again !! ")
mypoints = mypoints + 1
#print("Your chances discremented by one, hence your chances are" , chances)
print("your score is" , mypoints)
elif getting_input == "gun" and lst[2]:
print("Your opponent got the lead Again !! ")
oppoints = oppoints + 1
print("your opponent score is" , oppoints)
chances = chances - 1
print("Your chances discremented by one, hence your chances are" , chances)
print("Welcome to The snake game")
a = int(input("Press one for play : "))
oppoints = 0
mypoints = 0
chances = 10
game(a,oppoints, mypoints,chances)
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